Welcome to your
Bye-Bye Wall Challenge!
Holding a handstand without the wall is a wonderful goal
& we want to help you achieve it! Scroll down for your exercises.

It's important for safety reasons that you feel confident kicking up to the wall without anyone spotting you and you have enough clear space around you to safely dismount. In addition, make sure you're warmed up prior to practicing the challenge exercises.
Day One
Kick up to the wall with your chest facing the wall. Take steps towards the wall until your chest is touching. Be mindful to engage your core and pull your navel away from the wall to create a hollow body position. Additionally push up through your shoulders continuously, pull the rib cage in, and squeeze legs together. Hold for 30 seconds with a goal of building up to 2 minutes.
PRO Tip: Breathing is the KEY to success for long hold handstands. Breathe consciously in and out through your nose.
NEXT STEP: Share your video of you doing the exercise (it's ok if it's not perfect) on IG using tags @aerialphysique & #byebyewall -or- upload using this link for a chance to win access to our Handstand Method course! Videos must be submitted by May 11th at 6pm PST.
Day Two
Begin from a handstand with your chest facing the wall. Take steps towards the wall until your chest is touching. Maintaining your hollow body position, shoulders pushing up, rib cage in and core engaged. Slowly release 1 leg off the wall to point straight up to the ceiling. Feel the balance in your body and hold for 5 seconds. Bring the leg back to the wall and slowly release the other leg to balance towards the ceiling and hold for 5 seconds. Return both legs together on the wall and then try to lift both feet off the wall together by engaging your core, glutes and continuously pushing up through your shoulders. Hold both feet off the wall for 5 seconds while keeping your chest on the wall to help you maintain balance.
Repeat 3 sets of 1x each leg followed by both legs holding each position for 5-10 seconds. If you need to take a break in-between that's ok!
NEXT STEP: Share your video of you doing the exercise (it's ok if it's not perfect) on IG using tags @aerialphysique & #byebyewall -or- upload using this link for a chance to win access to our Handstand Method course! Videos must be submitted by May 11th at 6pm PST.
Day Three
Kick up to the wall and walk your hands about 1 foot away from the wall ( you don't want to be too close for this one). Maintaining your hollow body position, lower down one knee to your chest while keeping your foot on the wall for balance. Slowly lift your straight leg off the wall and hold for 10 seconds. Switch and complete the other side. Aim for 3x on each side.
PRO TIP: Be careful not to let your knee touch the wall, you want your knee to be pulled into your chest as much as possible.
NEXT STEP: Share your video of you doing the exercise (it's ok if it's not perfect) on IG using tags @aerialphysique & #byebyewall -or- upload using this link for a chance to win access to our Handstand Method course! Videos must be submitted by May 11th at 6pm PST.
Day Four
Measure your hands about a leg length away from the wall. Walk up the wall and lower one leg down to hip level on the wall. Slowly lift the other leg up towards the ceiling to create an L shape and hold for 10 seconds. Bring the leg back to the wall and repeat with the other side leg. Repeat 3x on each side.
PRO TIP: Use the ball of your foot to push away from the wall in this exercise until you feel very light on the wall - this is your balance sweet spot!
NEXT STEP: Share your video of you doing the exercise (it's ok if it's not perfect) on IG using tags @aerialphysique & #byebyewall -or- upload using this link for a chance to win access to our Handstand Method course! Videos must be submitted by May 11th at 6pm PST.
Day Five
With all the exercises we've practiced, now it's time to kick up without the wall - but still close by for moral support of course! About 2 feet away from the wall practice kicking up to a handstand. If you lose balance and fall over to the wall - don't get bummed out - try to slowly bring your feet back off the wall one at a time by engaging your core and legs while using your fingers for balance.
PRO TIP: It might feel a little messy sometimes but that's OK! It's part of the learning process! For example: If you feel yourself slamming into the wall, you might be kicking with a litttttle too much force, tone it down and experiment with how much effort you're using to kick up.
NEXT STEP: Share your video of you doing the exercise (it's ok if it's not perfect) on IG using tags @aerialphysique & #byebyewall -or- upload using this link for a chance to win access to our Handstand Method course! Videos must be submitted by May 11th at 6pm PST.
You Did It!
🎉Check your inbox on Friday, May 13th at 8 am PST to see if you're the WINNER of our online Handstand Method course.
The Handstand Method is an online program designed to help you establish a solid handstand foundation while providing you with a step-by-step roadmap to be able to press up with ease.
Enrollment officially opens on May 19th!